Thursday, July 25, 2013

Week 7 The Final Countdown

Blog Conclusion

                It was a pleasure sharing my thoughts and reading my classmates comments on my blog throughout the past seven weeks. I also enjoyed reading through my classmates posts, many times they offered me many alternate perspectives and allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of course content and how we can apply it to our individual teaching situations.

                In my eyes, theorist John Dewey has been the most influential to the institution of education in society. Before Dewey, most education was teacher based and students were expected to memorize information presented to them. Dewey was a major player in making education about the student and having their educational needs meet their interests. By applying real life situations, Dewey was able to create inspired learners. Dewey also introduced the concept of integrated education, known today as cross curricular education. Dewey made education about the student rather than the teacher, and is one of the most influential theorists I have come to learn about.

                In addition to Dewey, my beliefs on education most closely relate to Maria Montessori. I love the hands on approach she implemented in schools. I also enjoy the portfolio and grading systems she created for her schools. It is my personal belief that we place too large an emphasis on numbers in education. I am a big believer in student based education and in Montessori’s schools the teachers act more as observers and guide their students to lead the students to a self-directed style of learning. This style most closely relates to my ideal education which would be students based and students would be given more electives and opportunities to work in fields of interest in middle and high school levels. I feel that the student based education that theorists such as Dewey and Montessori believe in are essential concepts that all schools will eventually adapt to.

                I cannot decide which stage of life interests me the most. After the information I gathered from the course I am much more intrigued by education of a child in the developmental stages. People are learning something new every day from birth until their last days on earth, so choosing a stage of life that interests me the most is a tough question to answer.

                My favorite assignments in EDU 502 are the assignments that forced me out of my comfort zone and made me experiment with technology that I am not familiar with. After this course I experimented with Prezi, iMovie, and even gave ‘go animate’ a shot. This experience inspired me to create more dynamic lessons for my students. I enjoyed reading everyone’s thoughts on weekly content and really enjoyed how everyone shared personal information as to what motivates them. After this course I felt a connection with my cohort that I did not feel in my previous course. While the assignments may have been difficult (in terms of technology) I feel I am a better educator because of it—now here’s hoping my iMovie will upload to blackboard :/. Thank you all for reading my blog. I hope you enjoyed it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Week Six Motivation and Classroom Management


 Week six consisted of three articles and a video that discussed both motivation and classroom management techniques. The articles were (37) The Perils and Promises of Praise by Carol S. Dweck, (41) Middle School Students Talk about Social Forces in the Classroom by Kathleen Cushman and Laura Rogers, and (43)  From Ringmaster to Conductor: 10 Simple Techniques Can Turn an Unruly Class into a Productive One by Matthew A. Kraft. The video was titled Motivation and Emotion and was produced in the Discovering Psychology series.

                Article (37) discusses the effects that praise has on motivation. There are two main views of intelligence that this article focuses on, fixed intelligence and developed intelligence. In education we must stress the latter. Those that view intelligence as a trait that can be developed and improved are more often to exhibit traits associated with success in both school and life. On the other hand those that viewed their intelligence as fixed “become excessively concerned with how smart they are, seeking tasks that will prove their intelligence and avoiding ones that might take a back seat” (Dweck, 1999, 2006). Students with a fixed mindset will often seek out activities that they know they will succeed in and avoid challenges in fear of failure. Students with a growth mindset will take more risks in the hopes of learning more. The main difference between these two types of students in their view of effort. Effort is seen as a positive attribute in the developed intelligence students, whereas it is seen as a negative thing to students with a fixed intelligence perspective. In order to deal with these types of students and create a developed intelligence view in your classroom, one should praise effort as opposed to intelligence. For example a teacher should proclaim, “I really enjoy how hard you are working on the problem.” As opposed to saying how smart a student is for completing a task. If we, as educators, are able to convey the fact that intelligence is learned we will see a greater effort out of our students and it starts with praising effort.

                Article (41) looks at the perspectives middle school students have about their education and time spent at school. There are many factors (social, emotional, sense of belonging, etc.) that help determine how a student will act in school. This article stresses the importance of relating to your students and knowing the many internal and external factors that will shape a student’s behavior. In this article students are interviewed and quoted. Their answers are sometimes entertaining, informative, and sad. It offers a perspectives that easy to overlook. Of the 42 students interviewed there were many common themes that resonated that teachers should be aware of.

1.       Social factors often dominate behavior. Students do not want to act too well and be labeled as a “goody-goody”. They are also hyper-sensitive when it comes to the opposite sex at this age. Teachers should be aware of these notions and do their best to accommodate the students concerns.

2.       Being different hurts. Students easily notice the differences that exist in the classroom, whether it is race, intelligence, personal hygiene, etc. teachers need to emphasize acceptance in the classroom and be willing to offer help to students struggling to fit in.

3.       Students need to find a common ground with other students. Teachers should try their best to encourage group activities, take interest inventories, and play ice breakers to get students off on the right foot. School is much more enjoyable when it is spend with people you enjoy spending company with

4.       Teachers must treat the students fairly and have clear cut rules to avoid any misinterpretation of what is fair and what is not fair.

5.       Students want and need to be part of the conversation. Students need a voice in the classroom. It is our job to give those students that voice. Some ideas would be to have the class make their own set of rules that that can police themselves. Another example would be to choose projects that students have interests in. make school relatable to their own lives.

6.       Students want to be treated with the same respect. Do no give attention only to those acting out and refuse to play favorites. Students are very sensitive to whom the teachers favor and teachers should try to avoid that behavior.

7.       Teachers should guard a student’s right to a fair decision. Teachers should talk openly with students about issues of bias. Students will often think you are letting the kids that misbehave get away with things, or be treating one race different that another. These situations should be nipped in the bud with open communication.

8.       Hold up the norms that were agreed upon. Establish clear cut rules and remain consistent. Avoid subjective situations and do not make so many rules that they are hard to follow.

9.       Students want to be rewarded with things they like.

10.   Help students learn from mistakes. Do not embarrass students in front of everyone. Try to pull students aside and have them learn from their mistakes.

11.   Students need supervision. Students like knowing they are safe and want teachers around. Teachers should try their best to make themselves available to the students

If teachers can uphold these 11 underlying themes they will be taking a major step in ensuring a safe and healthy learning environment.

                Article (43) discusses ten techniques to help teachers with an unruly class. There are two major areas of focus when dealing with a class with issues, classroom management and behavior management. There are five tips for each.

Classroom Management

1.       What you teach. Make your curriculum as interesting as possible. Relate the content to your audience.

2.       Nonnegotiable rules. Instead of creating many rules that are hard to police, have a set of non-negotiable rules that are always clear and specific.

3.       Clear expectations. Establish classroom protocol and always make it clear what you expect of the students.

4.       Managing transitions. Eliminate down time with bell ringer activities for when the students enter the room. I tend to have a trivia question of the day in my health classes and have stations set up in my P.E. classes.

5.       Getting attention. Do not yell over the students. Rather you should set some sort of attention grabber to begin class such as a bell or turning off the lights. Only raise your voice when needed so your voice remains strong.

Behavior Management

1.       Behavior modification systems. Have a clear cut system in place for behavior issues. One technique I began last year was a restorative justice approach where I sat down two or more students involved with the problem and had them discuss. Most of the time they came up with their own punishments and was much more effective than me giving a typical punishment.

2.       Avoiding public confrontations. Do not single out students in public. Use eye contact or body language to help get students back on task.

3.       Private conversations. If a student is a constant disruption, pull them aside and have a conversation to see what the problem is. Many times it can be something outside of the classroom that is eating at them.

4.       Overcome the discipline myth. Tell the students that you are not there to be a disciplinarian. You are there to teach lessons, and the worst part of your job is yelling at students. Try to relate to them and their behavior will fall in line.

5.       Communication about moods. Have an open communication with your students. Make it a two way street where students can convey their feelings towards you and you towards them.

These ten rules will help any teacher, of any level, not matter how rookie or veteran they are.

The video, Motivation and Emotion by Discovering Psychology, discussed the relationship between motivation (why we do things) and emotion (how we feel about them). Motivation are often related but considered separate things. Emotion often is involved in what motivates us to do things. People are motivated by many sources. Motivation can be self-oriented, social, sexual, environmental, etc. Motivation is linked to movement. Our motivation is what causes us to do what we do. Our motivation and emotion culminate into two outlooks on life, optimism and pessimism. Optimism is the thought that when negative things occur it is a one-time thing or they are bound to turn around, whereas pessimism is hopelessness where one blames themselves for the things that go awry.

We can learn a lot from motivation. As educators we have a job to not only motivate ourselves, but the hundreds of students we encounter each year. Finding your own personal motivation will go an extremely long way to having a successful life. Motivation is what makes us tick, and knowing that I can make a difference in a student’s life by offering them a type of motivation is just one of the many reasons I love my job.


Cauley K. M., Pannozzo G.M. Annual Editions: Educational Psychology 12/13. New York: McGraw-Hill

Dweck, C. S. (2007). The perils and promises of praise. Educational Leadership, October. pp 34-39.

Cushman, K., Rogers, L. (2008). Middle school students talk about social forces in the classroom. Middle

School Journal, 39(3). pp. 14-24.

Kraft, M. A. (2010). From ringmaster to conductor. Phi Delta Kappan, April. pp. 44-47.