week’s content discusses the cognitive, moral, social, and emotional development
of children and adolescents throughout their childhood and school aged years. As
educators it is important to have a firm grasp on the perspectives of
development of our students so we can prepare and understand these stages in
hopes to cultivate our students into successful adults.
six, Play and Social Interaction in
Middle Childhood, by Doris Bergen and Doris P. Fromberg discusses the value
of play in a child’s social, emotional, and cognitive development. “…during
play children practice their power to self-direct, self-organize, exert
self-control, and negotiate play with others” (Bergen and Fromberg, 2009). Play
allows children to be in control and socialize with other children. The open
nature of play allows children to develop creativity and socialization skills
that will serve as building blocks for further development. I work at a K-8
elementary school where the students are given a half an hour recess. As a
physical education teach I can appreciate the value my school puts on
unorganized play. This half hour allows the students an opportunity to express
themselves and release the stresses that a long school day can put on a
student. As teachers we have a role to facilitate play by allowing the children
facilities to play, providing them with tools to play, and encouraging play
amongst students.
seven, It’s All in the Game, by
Kathleen M. Collins et al. describes the role that board games can play to
foster communication and social skills. School is one of the many places that
aid children in developing communication and social skills. Many students come
off as extremely shy and introverted. The use of games, like board games, can
help engage a shy child and offer them an outlet to express one’s self. The
article provided the details of an idea of creating a large classroom sized
board game. The students were able to make cross-curricular connections, work
collaboratively, practice engaged research, and “express themselves through all
of their available expressive, communicative, and cognitive languages” (Edwards,
Gardener, and Foreman 1998, p. 7-cited in Collins 2011).
a Physical Education teacher, article eight Why
We Should Not Cut P.E. by Stewart G. Trost and Hans Van Der Mars really
struck a chord with me. Studies have shown that P.E. correlates with better
grades and higher standardized test scores. Since its implementation in 2002,
the No Child Left Behind Act has placed an emphasis on Reading and Mathematics,
causing schools to cut classes like P.E., music, and art. Although the research
is limited to conclude for certain the P.E. allows for greater academic
performance, no studies have proven that taking away P.E. correlate with better
scores. With the growing rate of childhood obesity and heart disease, we are in
need of inspiring P.E. programs geared towards getting students active for a
9, Adolescent Brain Development and Drugs,
by Ken C. Winters and Amelia Arria, links aggressive and impulsive behavior to
brain development in adolescents. The article describes the development of the
brain, specifically how the limbic area of the brain develops before the
pre-frontal cortex region. The limbic area of the brain is associated with
emotions and memories, whereas the pre-frontal cortex is connected with
reasoning and regulating impulses. This development allows for greater risk
taking behaviors, such as drug use and unsafe sex. This information is relevant
for both teachers and parents, who should take every opportunity to describe
the negative effects that these types of behaviors can have on a person. The
best way to prevent a person from these behaviors is to fully educate them,
model responsible use, and openly communicate with them.
ten, Adolescent Decision Making, by
Bonnie Halpern-Felsher is closely related to the previous article. Decision
making is a very important process that oftentimes gets overlooked. There are
many views of the process of decision making, but all have very similar
characteristics. Assess the situation, weighing positive and negative
consequences of your actions, willingness or ability to carry out actions,
influences to make decisions, and making the decision. As in the previous
article, this article discusses brain development and its role in decision
making. As educators we must provide guidance to students in times of need,
introduce healthy decision making practices, and provide appropriate
consequences to the inevitable times where students make inappropriate
eleven, Peer Contexts for Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender Students, by Stacey S. Horn and Katherine E.
Romero specifically deal with the acceptance, relationships, and attitudes
towards individuals with different sexual interests. Students that experience
attractions to the same sex can often feel alienated and alone. Both male and
females tend to ostracize these individuals with the fear that embracing them
will cause others to mistreat them. Adolescents often view being gay as wrong,
yet they know it is wrong to exclude an individual that is gay. The older a
person is the more willing they are to accept a person for being gay. The
social environment that a student belongs to often molds their attitudes toward
situations that deal with a student of a different sexuality. As educators we
must do our best to convey to students that it is not wrong to be gay and that
it is not a choice. Schools with groups in place to bridge the gap between gay
and straight students often have a higher acceptance rate. Educators should
teach of the differences amongst students and promote acceptance, even amongst
issues like that that often cross religious backgrounds.
a health teacher, I enjoyed article twelve, What
Educators Need to Know about Bullying Behaviors, by Sandra Graham. Bullying
has become very widespread and is an extremely important issue in schools
today. Bullying takes many forms, direct, indirect, through the internet, and
amongst peers. This article dismissed many of the myths about bullying. These
myths did not surprise me, but it was rewarding to hear that I was on the same
page with this article when teaching students about bullying. In my experience,
bullies are often popular and bullying often happens in groups. One myth that I
found interesting me was the myth that zero tolerance policies reduce bullying.
Instead of a zero tolerance policy, one method that I recently adapted is the restorative
justice method. In this process I allow the students involved in the
altercation to engage in a discussion amongst themselves with myself as the
mediator. One process I have found that works is allowing the students to choose
the punshiments for themselves in a group discussion. Many times these problems
and misunderstanding get hashed out in the meeting; however, sometimes further
actions are needed. Overall, educators need to teach the many forms bullying
takes and the roles of individuals such as the bully, bystander, upstander,
victims, and witness. Students should be aware of the consequences of bullying
and appropriate actions should always be taken in bullying cases.
thirteen serves as the summarizing article in Unit 2. The Bridge to Character by Will Damon discusses the four building
blocks of character, “empathy, fairness, self-control, and obligation” (Damon
1992, 1999; Kochanska, Murray, and Harlan, 2000; Thompson, 1998; Wilson, 1993
cited in Damon, 2010). Teachers must mold students’ morals as they progress
through their school aged years. Appropriate punishment for violations,
character education, and encouraging students to consider others feelings will
go a long way in developing a students with a good moral fiber. Teachers should
pinpoint good examples given by students, and encourage students to help
others. You can encourage community service, or giving to the poor. It is also
beneficial to provide students with a worldly view and discuss real life models
of character in society.
there are many connections one could make with education and psychological
development. Teachers who are aware of the development of their students and
are inspired to practice their craft will make the greatest impact on their
students. Encouraging play, collaboration, acceptance, and good morals will
provide students with the building blocks in order to become successful and
healthy adults.
Cauley K. M., Pannozzo G.M. Annual Editions: Educational Psychology 12/13. New York:
Bergin D., Fromberg D.P. (2009) Play and social interaction
in middle childhood. Phi Delta Kappan,
pp. 426-430.
Damon, W. (2010) The bridge to character. Educational Leadership, pp. 36-39.