The above picture shows a detailed version of the teaching and learning process; however, there is one crucial piece missing. Developing a personal connection.
teaching and learning process in schools is very multifaceted. Teachers must
stimulate the students in such a way that the students feel inspired to learn.
Students learn in many different ways; through instruction, relationships, and
experiences just to name a few. Unit one in Educational Psychology editions
12/13 introduces articles dealing with perspectives on teaching. Article 1- Inspired Responses by Carol Frederick
Steele and article 2- Reform: To What End?
by Mike Rose discuss the qualities of effective teachers and how the education
system should reflect the development of inspired teachers. Article 3- Embarking on Action Research by
Catherine M. Brighton describes the significance of supporting the need for
data to support the need for new and thought provoking teaching practices.
Article 4- Teaching with Awareness: The
Hidden Effects of trauma on Learning by Helen Collins Sitler and article 5 Supporting Adolescents Exposed to Disasters
by Anne K. Jacobs, Eric Vernberg, and Stephanie J. Lee both discuss students
need of social support in times of disaster and psychological issues.
In Inspired Responses, Steele describes
great educators as inspired, knowledgeable, have a considerable amount of life
experience with the subject area, and possess an ability to read students, receive
their cues, and comprehend the many signals students give us throughout the
day. Teachers go through four stages of development: unaware, aware, capable,
and inspired. As teachers progress to becoming an inspired teacher they reflect
upon previous experiences, improve their craft, and develop an innate ability
to respond to situations on the fly. Inspired teachers create a two way
communication between classes, picking up on social cues, receiving messages
from students, and reacting appropriately. Inspired teachers learn to develop
relationships with students, understand patterns within the school, and
understand the cultural and community characteristics of the school. Inspired teachers
are willing to try new ideas, and are not afraid to fail. They gather ideas as
they progress through their career and adapt it to the needs of their students.
In Mike Rose’s Reform: To What End?, he
describes the importance of educators creating learning friendly environments.
Students need to feel supported, safe, and respected. Teachers should possess a
genuine concern for their students, allow them to be smart, and take them
seriously intellectually. We too often get caught up in a society obsessed with
numbers and test scores. Rose posits that money should be allotted towards teacher’s
professional development, not towards simply raising standardized test scores.
If educators continue to develop over time, greater learning will then be
achieved, thus raising test scores.
3, Embarking on Action Research, discusses
the importance of investigating the classroom, finding ways to improve, and
facilitating a change the will make a difference in the lives of students.
While working with action research there are seven steps: identify a focus,
develop a plan of action, collect data, organize data, draw conclusions from
data, disseminate findings, and develop a new plan of action. Action research
is important because it a person within a group that is facilitating the
change, usually ensuring that the focuses being investigated are those with the
betterment of the group in mind.
4 and 5 are both very similar in that they deal with tragedy. Many tragedies
can happen in a student’s life such as a death in the family or school
community, divorce, natural disaster, etc. Sitler suggests that …“as teachers,
we may be unaware that a students has experienced physiological trauma.
Therefore, we need to teach in supportive ways” (p. 119 2009). We must always
be compassionate and understanding as educators, always being attentive toward
student emotions. Maslow (1987) suggests that an individual’s most basic needs
are physiological, followed by a sense of security, and then emotionally (Cited
in Sitler P. 120 2009). As educators, we must understand this and be able to
support our students academically, as well as socially and emotionally. When dealing
with tragedy we must be aware of student need and develop a school safety plan
to ensure an appropriate mental health response from our schools, such as
providing counselors, and having a system in place where students can go for
The five
articles in unit 1 all shed light on different perspectives on teaching. One
common theme discussed in all five articles is the relationship teachers are
able to develop with their students. The greatest educators are able to inspire
their students and are looked upon favorably. An educator should care about
their students and be dedicated towards bettering their lives. Teachers should
be able to keep the pulse of the class, knowing the needs of the students, making
personal connections, and providing resources to help students develop socially
and emotionally.
Cauley K. M., Pannozzo G.M. Annual Editions: Educational Psychology 12/13. New York: McGraw-Hill
Sitler H. C. (2009) Teaching with awareness: the hidden
effects of trauma on learning. The Clearing House, 119-123.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your very detailed and in depth thoughts on the articles from this weeks reading. Like you stated in your blog and Marybeth commented on, I truly believe the teacher/student relationship is one like no other. As educators we must be able to create a safe environment not only to learn but to grow.
Sitler's article about teacher awareness was very eye opening to me. I believe that getting to know your students as well as where they come from is so important. I do not have a full time teaching position yet so it is great to read about how you, John, and Marybeth are able to be aware teachers and how important you both think it is. During my internship I tried to get a sense of my students through a similar way as Marybeth has. I found it difficult to get truthful answers from some of my students and/or their parents about their home life. Some seemed embarrassed and not willing to open up. As the year carried on they seemed to open up to me more and I was able to get to know most of the families well. At times I wanted to give up and not keep pushing to know my students because I was frustrated that they wouldn't trust me. In the long run I was happy I kept pushing to show my students and their families that I truly cared about their student and their struggles.
Thank you both for sharing your thoughts. It is always nice to see what we are learning being put to practice. I am looking forward to having my own classroom soon to try these practices.
Hi John!
ReplyDeleteI agree with your reflection and summary of the five articles. I must also agree with the two previous comments that the student-teacher relationship is so important. The social, emotional, and mental aspect of education is equally, if not more important than the academic part of our jobs as educators. Thanks for sharing!
Hi John,
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that these five articles contain the theme of relationships teachers can be developing with their students. You mentioned that master educators are looked upon favorably. While certainly agreeing with you, I find myself in situations with my students (especially ones working on behavioral issues) where I am reminding myself that I am not friends with my students. I do not believe you were equating favorable to friendliness, but your statement sparked that idea in my mind. In the past I have seen teachers who gain appreciation from students when the teacher appears to be friends with the students. This has backfired for the teacher when they set boundaries and students then cross them.
After reading your ending paragraph, you seem very knowledgeable of the role of the teacher. You are right; the teacher should be able to “keep the pulse of the classroom.” I think that keeping this pulse is a learning process and each year teachers are able to do it better. As teachers we have to remember even though we gather more materials as the years continue and we become more familiar with the curriculum, the needs of our students change and students are not the same year after year. I have experienced this through the use of technology. I am not an expert when it comes to technology but my second graders love using it as often as possible. I know I have to prepare my students for using the computer, being that they take the PSSAs on the computer in third grade. Also, we know that the world will require them to be technologically fluent. I am hoping that by participating in this online cohort that I will be more motivated (and knowledgeable) to use technology in my classroom.
I enjoyed reading your blog this week and look forward to communicating with you more during this course!
Hi John,
ReplyDeleteIt is important to point out that students learn in many different ways. It is up to the educator to find out how their students learn best and exploit that. It is our job as educators to reach our students and get them to absorb the material. Good point from the second article that if teachers continue to develop, greater learning will be achieved and then test scores will rise. Most of education is based around successful testing and instead of cramming the test information down students' throats, we should take that extra step, develop a connection, and help the students learn.
Nice job.